

Arttavo Creators

Manage Your Projects

Create projects in the Arttavo app or on Arttavo.com. Track and share your progress as you finish tasks. Receive Tavotokens as you complete projects. Need help along the way? Connect with and Arttavo Mentor on the app!

Share Your Story

We believe in the power of storytelling. Share your experiences as you move along your creative journey. Doing so will allow you to receive constructive feedback from our Arttavo Communities, and this will also be a helpful starting point as you connect with Arttavo Mentors.

Connect With Mentors

As in business, trades and other professions, creatives can also benefit from receiving guidance and building relationships through mentorship. Arttavo Mentors have a passion for developing talent, and have proven track records of leading / helping others to define and achieve their goals. Arttavo Mentors are problem solvers, connectors, and are seeking opportunities to collaborate with established and emerging talent.

Join Communities

Join Arttavo Communities aligned with your interests and objectives. Find opportunities to collaborate with other creatives. Get information on available resources to help you on your journey. We'll recommend communities for you to join based on your profile info.

About Us

Arttavo Supports Creatives Along Their Journey.

We focus on your objectives, work, progress and results. We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech, bullying, and harassment. We also have community moderators available to support these values and foster collaboration, productivity and growth.

We believe creators come in all forms. Whether you are an artist or member of an artist collective, entrepreneur or work as part of  a creative / production team, Arttavo is the place for you. Join today and start sharing your story, connecting with other creators, engaging with mentors, and getting constructive feedback on your work.

Here are some additional features of Arttavo:

  • Project management tools: Arttavo makes it easy to manage your projects, from brainstorming to  completion. You can create tasks, assign deadlines, and track progress.
  • Collaboration tools: Arttavo has a variety of communication tools, including community forums and video calls. This makes it easy to collaborate with other creators on projects.
  • Growth tools: The more you constructively engage on Arttavo, you’ll see the results on your personal engagement dashboard. 
  • Arttavo will also feature the work of creators on Arttavo platform channels. With your permission, Arttavo will promote your work and your story on other platforms (Instagram, Etsy, Patreon, Twitch, Pinterest, Spotify, MixCloud and more).
  • Whether you're just starting on your creative journey, seeking to reconnect with your creative roots, or looking to expand your audience, Arttavo is focused on helping you take that next step.

Join today and start engaging!

Download Arttavo for Apple iOS.

Download Arttavo for Google Android.

Connect with Arttavo on Instagram!


Arttavo Mentors

Mentoring is a Great Way to Support the Creative Community

Share your experience and expertise with Arttavo Creators. You don't have to be an artist to be an Arttavo Mentor. We need mentors from diverse backgrounds to provide perspectives on many areas that may impact the creative process. We believe a supportive network and community can inspire and help bring out the best in an artist. Whether you have knowledge and experience in health and wellness, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, education, science or countless other fields, you could provide the spark to accelerate the growth of a creative. Arttavo Mentors can earn rewards in the form of Tavotokens. You can use Tavotokens to connect with other Arttavo Mentors on the platform!

Mentoring Sessions are Managed on the Arttavo Platform

Arttavo Mentors have the option of approving Arttavo Creator requests for booking mentoring sessions. Mentoring sessions are facilitated on the Arttavo platform using our own video and audio call functionality -- no need to leave the app. All mentoring sessions are designed to last for 15 minutes so that we make efficient use of your valuable time.

Connect to Collaborate

Mentoring with Arttavo offers you the chance to connect with emerging talent. Meeting with Arttavo Creators may help generate ideas for your own pursuits. Get that creative energy flowing . Register for Arttavo and check the box "available to mentor" in your profile. Any questions? Please send us an email at connect@arttavo.com.

+ Happy Users
+ Mentor
+ Projects
+ Posts
Join Arttavo

Growth is our Focus

Arttavo was created specifically to support creatives in growing their audience.

  • Manage Your Projects

    Organize your work with Arttavo project management tools. We'll help you get started!

  • Connect with a Mentor

    Arttavo Mentors come from diverse creative, business and professional backgrounds. We'll connect you with the right mentor to meet your needs.

  • Share Your Story

    Create and upload short videos to document your creative journey.

  • Anytime Access

    View projects, check-in with Arttavo Communities, book time with a mentor, get feedback on your work and post updates using the Arttavo app.

  • Collaborate

    Join Arttavo Communities and find opportunities for collaboration with like-minded creatives.

  • Arttavo Video Meetup

    Can't meet in-person, let us help you schedule a video call through the Arttavo app. We can even help you with meeting facilitation, note-taking and management of next steps.


           Meet Arttavo Mentors

Brandon Downer
Shannon Peay

Welcome To Arttavo!

Download Arttavo the Arttavo mobile app on Google Play Store and Apple AppStore.

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